Defense your

Smart Defense

Smart Defense

Smart Defense, detects and deactivates malicious URL addresses at the millisecond level using advanced real-time machine learning and image processing.

Smart Defense, detects and deactivates malicious URL addresses at the millisecond level using advanced real-time machine learning and image processing.

Patented Technology
Patented Technology
True Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
QR Code and Advanced Phishing Detection
Deep Analyze E-mail Attachments
Real-Time Reporting for Phishing Attacks
Full Visibility and Advanced Reporting
Full API Driven Integrated Architecture

How it works?

The journey of a malicious email goes like this: It sneaks into the mail-gateway server during an attack. Despite initial screening, it passes through. But when it hits the mail server, our Smart Defense kicks in, swiftly scanning and taking action.

High Detection

Phishup employs state-of-the-art image recognition technology to identify potentially harmful images within emails. This ensures a comprehensive defense against visually deceptive phishing attempts. Even QR codes!

Rapid and Effective Detection

Smart Defense scans emails within milliseconds and promptly identifies malicious content. It offers advanced defense against phishing emails crafted by hackers.


Even if a phishing email successfully passes through the mail gateway, Phishup analyzes it in real-time, promptly cleaning any malicious content.

SaaS & On-premise Support

You can benefit from our SaaS service, ensuring the safety of your data on local and fully secure servers, as well as take advantage of our on-premise solution.

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